TRAVEL – Hiking vs trekking are two popular outdoor activities among Indonesians. Both involve walking in the open air, but have some significant differences.
The most obvious difference between hiking and trekking is the duration. Hiking usually lasts less than a day, between 2 and 8 hours. While trekking can last anywhere between a few days, weeks or even months!
Hiking is usually done on weekends or during holidays. The goal is to have fun or to get back to nature and clear your mind. Trekking, on the other hand, is usually done by mountain climbers or travelers who want to explore nature for a long time.
Hiking is usually done for fun or to get back to nature and clear the mind. Trekking is also for fun, but with a specific purpose. This activity is often aimed at finding spiritual or moral meaning.
Hiking can be a very enjoyable and relaxing activity. By walking in nature, we can enjoy beautiful scenery, breathe fresh air, and relieve stress. Trekking, on the other hand, can be a more challenging and memorable experience. By exploring nature for a long time, we can learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us.
The terrain traversed in hiking is usually relatively easier than trekking. Hiking trails are usually marked and are in the middle of forests, mountains, hills, and nature reserves. While trekking does not have a fixed path, because Torch Friends will explore and explore nature directly. The terrain traversed is usually more difficult to pass, such as mountains, canyons, or wilderness.
Hiking is usually done on established and marked trails. These trails are usually relatively easy to navigate, even for beginners. Trekking, on the other hand, is usually done on unmarked trails or existing trails that are difficult to navigate. These trails can be mountainous terrain, wilderness, or canyons.
The equipment needed for hiking is usually simpler than trekking. Hiking usually only requires hiking shoes, a backpack, comfortable clothing, and other personal equipment. Trekking requires more complete equipment, such as a tent, sleeping bag, cooking equipment, and medicines.
Hiking can be done with relatively simple equipment. We only need comfortable hiking shoes, a backpack to carry our stuff, and clothes that are appropriate for the weather. Trekking, on the other hand, requires more complete equipment. We need to bring a tent to spend the night, a sleeping bag to sleep in, cooking equipment to cook, and medicines in case something happens.
Tips for Starting Hiking or Trekking
If you, Torch Friends, want to try hiking or trekking, there are several tips you need to pay attention to:
- Start with a day hike. This is a great way to learn the basics and determine if it’s right for you.
- Prepare yourself well. Make sure you have the right equipment and are in good physical condition.
- Follow safety rules. Never hike or trek alone, and always be aware of dangers in nature.
Hiking and trekking are very enjoyable and beneficial activities. By doing this activity, we can enjoy the beauty of nature, improve our physical and mental health, and learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us.